Serpent skyscraper movie trailer
Serpent skyscraper movie trailer

serpent skyscraper movie trailer

A helicopter charter soon turns deadly when the female pilot finds that she is on a building held by terrorists. Now that's some red-blooded American entertainment. With Anna Nicole Smith, Richard Steinmetz, Branimir Cikatiæ, Calvin Levels. I would suggest a double feature for a night of viewing, this film and David Heavener's KILL CRAZY(see my review of that film as well). 1.5K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 0:30 3 Videos 19 Photos Crime Drama Mystery In a town in Chile, a woman leads a frantic search to find her missing sister amid a media storm and the police investigation. I feel that this movie is best enjoyed under the influence of several adult beverages. Anyone familiar with the work of Andy Sidaris will be in familiar territory here.

serpent skyscraper movie trailer

Johnson plays former FBI Hostage Rescue Team leader and U.S. Everything about this film screams: "Don't take me seriously!" On that level, the discriminating fan of bad action films will enjoy this heartily. International superstar Dwayne Johnson ('The Fate of the Furious,' 'Central Intelligence') stars in the 3D action-thriller 'Skyscraper,' written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber ('Central Intelligence,' 'Were the Millers'). There are a ton of explosions on offer, which are nicely photographed, but are so (I'll risk using the word again) gratuitous that the plot (most obvious Die Hard rip-off ever) can't be taken seriously for more than a nanosecond. From Anna's non-existent acting, to the bad scenery-chewing performance of the actor playing the lead terrorist (just what country is he supposed to be from, Badaccentia?), this is prime Badfilm. And Sunday’s Super Bowl brought the first trailer. You'll laugh until tears flow from your eyes, not believing the sights and sounds assaulting your being from the screen. Check the gratuitous shower scene about 10 minutes into the movie if you don't get me. Inside a vertical prison system, inmates are assigned to a level and forced to ration food from a platform that moves between the floors. If you turn the number sideways, you'll see why I gave this movie an 8.

Serpent skyscraper movie trailer